Thursday, December 6, 2012

Megafile questions and answers

1.  How many slides does this Mega File contain?

The Mega File contains 1,292 slides.

2.  What company sponsored the "Will it Blend" video series?

The company that sponsors the "Will it Blend" video series is Blendtec.

3.  What is the name of the blogging platform you used to create your "Assignments Blog" for this class?

The blogging platform used for our "Assignments Blog" is

4.  What is the attendance policy for this class?

Professor Halvoson-Sheldon expects students to be in class everyday, ready to ask questions, discuss weekly readings, and share your knowledge with fellow students. 

5.  What comedian thinks that "everything is amazing" yet he's not that thrilled about Twitter?

The comedian that thinks "everything is amazing" yet is not that thrilled about Twitter is Lewis C.K.

6.  What does URL stand for?

URL stands for Universal Resource Locator

7.  Name one grammatical "felony" according to Chris's grammar rules for the class.

One grammatical "felony" according to Chris's grammar rules for the class is when students write the wrong form of there, their, or they're.

8.  What New Hampshire hospital participated in the Pink Glove Dance contest that raised awareness for breast cancer?

The New Hampshire hospital that participated in the Pink Glove Dance contest that raised awareness for breast cancer is Speare Memorial Hospital of Plymouth, New Hampshire.

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